Task 006: Setting up LDAP

I decided to set up local LDAP server for VMs and containers. Initially, I was thinking of using a shared SSH key, but

Installing packages (server)

apt install slapd ldap-utils ldapscripts nslcd

Since Debian offers sane defaults for slapd, there's not much to do after the initial installation.

Try slapcat or lsldap to dump LDAP database contents onto terminal. Right after installation, you'll get only two entries: domain and admin account.

Configuring ldapscripts (server)

ldapscripts provides scripts that make lives easier, but should be provided with authentication info before it can do something useful.

  1. In /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.conf, change BINDDN to cn=admin of your LDAP domain, like this:

  2. Store the admin password in /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd.

    echo -n "password-for-admin" > /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd

    Note that no newline should present at the end of the file, or you'll get Invalid credentials (49) error in /var/log/ldapscripts.log. If you're using VIM, use :set nofixeol before saving.

Adding user data to LDAP database (server)

Everything is magically solved by ldapscripts. clap clap

  1. We need to initialize our DB w/ basic orgianizations, which is already covered by ldapscripts.

  2. Then, we can add some users and groups using ldapadduser, ldapaddgroup, and ldapaddusertogroup.

    ldapaddgroup members
    ldapaddgroup admins
    ldapadduser eon members
    ldapaddusertogroup eon admins
  3. Update user passwords using ldapsetpasswd

    ldapsetpasswd eon

Logging in w/ LDAP (client)

We need PAM to use LDAP, and libpam-ldapd does that for us. There are alternatives, but this one is fairly simple and should work most of the cases.

apt install libpam-ldapd nscd

While installing the package, apt asks you how nsswitch should be updated, and you should choose passwd, group, and shadow. After this, nsswitch.conf should look like:

passwd: files ldap
group:  files ldap
shadow: files ldap

(No need to remove excessive items tho.)

The module relies on nslcd, and /etc/nslcd.conf should contain good default values, which should work on server itslef, at least. So, before blaming client settings, install this on the server, and try logging into it w/ an LDAP user. Make sure this works before jumping onto clients.

So, on actual clients, a little change to /etc/nslcd.conf:

uri ldap://ldap.eon.lan/

(or you can dpkg-reconfigure nslcd for convinience.)

Some services(nscd, nslcd) need to be restarted, but let's just reboot.

Automatically creating home directory for LDAP users (client)

There still is a problem w/ homedir, since LDAP users don't have their homes on every machine. Luckily, PAM comes with mkhomedir module, and there's already a profile for it under /usr/share/pam-configs. All we need is:

pam-auth-update --enable mkhomedir

Additional Notes

  1. Flushing nscd caches:

    nscd -i passwd
    nscd -i group
    # restart services, just in case
    systemctl restart nscd nslcd

    Whenever something doesn't work after a change, this should be your first bet.

  2. Listing users and groups:

    getent passwd [username]
    getent group [groupname]

    Sometimes, getent fails to retrieve item, even when it lists the item correctly. This is 100% because of the god damn caches, so clear them.


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